Monday, October 26, 2015

Monday Wellness Snacks

The snack contained apple, peanut butter, and almonds. The snack was healthy because it contained protein, anti oxidants, vitamins, unsaturated fatty acids, and fiber.

1. Snacks should be eaten 2-3 hours before a meal.
2. Healthy snacks contain protein and fiber. They also contain carbohydrates and different types of vitamins.
3. Snacks that have empty calories and have artificial flavors should be avoided as well as snacks with saturated fats.

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Measuring Blood Pressure Lab Analysis

1. The systolic blood pressure is the first time you hear the blood pumping in the arm when the heart contracts ,and the diastolic blood pressure is the last time you hear the blood pumping in the artery when the heart relaxes.
2. A stethoscope is needed to measure the heart rate and the sphygmomanometer is used to measure the blood pressure.
3.  It is not ideal to use the thumb to measure pulse because it has its own pulse and may confuse the counting.
4. First place the cuff on the upper arm of the dominate arm ,and then inflate the cuff, so it fits tightly on the arm. The pump should be held in the other hand so the valve can be easily accessed. A stethoscope is needed to hear the pulse. The cuff should be inflated until the pressure gauge reaches 150 ,and then the valve should be opened releasing air slowly. The first time your heart pulse is the systolic blood pressure and the last time you hear it is the diastolic blood pressure.

Thursday, October 8, 2015

Unit 2 Reflection

Health is the measure of our body's efficiency and over-all well being. This definition includes physical,social, and mental health. This is an important topic because students at SHS often ignore their health and put either their activities or school work first. Not getting the proper nutrients, being stressed out, and being sleep deprived can have a detrimental effect on their overall health. Students should recognize their patterns and make a change to live a healthier lifestyle.
In this unit we learned about the five pillars of health: nutrition, exercise, sleep, stress, and social. These pillars are the key to living a balanced and healthy lifestyle. I learned about how to vary my diet and eat from all the food groups as well as the different benefits that come with different types of foods. It was surprising to find out how unhealthy some of the foods I usually have are and in the future I will be paying more attention to what I eat. I learned a lot about sleep, and how important it is to be fully alert and functioning during the day. Exercise is also important for strengthening the body ,and variety is also an important aspect of exercise that keeps us healthy. I also learned about different aspects of stress. Sometimes stress can be good, but prolonged stress can damage your body and can weaken and age your body.
This unit helped me reflect on my own lifestyle and helped me find ways to improve. I plan on eating better by balancing out the food groups I eat from, getting more sleep by planning ahead, and exercising more consistently. By learning about how I can live healthier, I hope I can keep my goals in the years to come and long and happy life.