Thursday, November 12, 2015

Heart Dissection Lab Questions

1. The function of the pericardium is to secrete a fluid that lubricates the heart in order to reduce friction.

2. The arteries have thicker and stronger walls because they need to deliver blood to the whole body while veins have thinner walls.

3. The auricle's function is to increase the capacity of the atrium, so it can contain a higher volume of blood.

4.  The muscles around the ventricles are thicker than the muscles around the atria. The atria also seem smaller than the ventricles.

6. When you cut into cross sections, the bicuspid valve is able to be seen

7. The anchoring of the heart vales by the chordate tendinae and the papillary muscles are important to the heart function because they allow the valves to prevent the back flow of blood by pulling and contracting.

8.  We see the inside of the left atrium and then the bicuspid valve, which is held to the walls by the chordinea tendinae and the papillary muscles.

9. The semi lunar valves prevent arterial blood from re-entering the heart, keeping the blood flowing in one direction.

10. a. There would be swelling in the feet and ankles if there is valve disease on the right side because there would be back flow of blood from the heart back into the body and would be carried to the feet and ankles because the right side is where blood enters the heart.

    b.  If the valve disease was on the left side then there would be complications with the delivery of oxygenated blood to the body.

11. We found an opening in the left ventricle and could see the biscuspid valve.

12. The left side of the heart has more muscle than the right side because the left ventricle needs more power to pump blood to the rest of the body. The right side is smaller because right ventricle only needs to pump blood to the lungs.


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