Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Measuring Blood Pressure Lab Analysis

1. The systolic blood pressure is the first time you hear the blood pumping in the arm when the heart contracts ,and the diastolic blood pressure is the last time you hear the blood pumping in the artery when the heart relaxes.
2. A stethoscope is needed to measure the heart rate and the sphygmomanometer is used to measure the blood pressure.
3.  It is not ideal to use the thumb to measure pulse because it has its own pulse and may confuse the counting.
4. First place the cuff on the upper arm of the dominate arm ,and then inflate the cuff, so it fits tightly on the arm. The pump should be held in the other hand so the valve can be easily accessed. A stethoscope is needed to hear the pulse. The cuff should be inflated until the pressure gauge reaches 150 ,and then the valve should be opened releasing air slowly. The first time your heart pulse is the systolic blood pressure and the last time you hear it is the diastolic blood pressure.

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